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Should you convert your classic car to electric?

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Many classic cars today render us full of nostalgia, with an appreciation for the craftsmanship that went into them during production, and of course a love of the pure driving pleasure we gain from them. To this day, so many of them have retained their original features. However, as we move towards what looks like a greener future, many classic car owners are considering converting their beloved cars to electric, with a view to merging a blend of their timeless aesthetics with cutting-edge technology. But is it the right move for every classic car owner? Let’s explore the benefits and also the drawbacks of converting your classic car to electric.


Some of the benefits of converting your classic car to electric are below:


The environmental impact


One of the most compelling reasons to convert your classic car to electric is the positive impact it would have on the environment. Traditional internal combustion engines (ICEs) emit a significant amount of carbon dioxide and other pollutants into our air. By switching to an electric motor and battery, you can reduce your carbon footprint, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier planet for all of us. Sounds like a plan…


Improved performance and reliability


Electric vehicles (or EVs) are known for their instant torque, providing a smooth and responsive driving experience. The torque is a measurement of a car engine’s rotational force - which means, effectively, how much power it can produce. Converting to electric means your classic car should be able to accelerate faster, and also handle the road more efficiently (as long as the other parts of the car can keep up!). Additionally, electric motors have fewer moving parts than ICEs, leading to lower maintenance requirements and - generally - increased reliability.




Quieter operation


Some might say that the quiet operation of electric motors enhances the driving experience, allowing you to enjoy the sounds of the environment around you without the constant hum of an engine. However others may disagree with this when it comes to classic cars, where the loud engine noises are often perceived as being part of the experience!


Vehicle preservation 


Converting to electric allows you to preserve the classic design and aesthetic of your car whilst incorporating modern technology, often with fairly minimal changes to the overall exterior look. In effect, it’s often not until you look under the bonnet or in the boot that things start to look majorly different. Obviously there is a place for the charging cable to go, of course, and the exhaust and gearbox will be removed, too, but often that's pretty much it in terms of visual changes.


This idea can be particularly appealing to those who love the look and feel of their classic car but want the benefits of the modern performance and efficiency that electric brings.




With increasing regulations on emissions and the potential for stricter policies on ICE vehicles in the future, converting to electric could help to future-proof your classic car, especially as we know the government is currently looking at how classics should potentially be categorised and registered by consulting with industry and the wider public on this very issue. Converting to electric could help ensure that you can continue to enjoy your vehicle without worrying about any potential restrictions or bans on older engines.


Sounds pretty good so far… So what might be some of the potential drawbacks of converting your classic car to electric?


The cost


Well, the conversion process can be expensive - the initial cost of the electric motor, battery, and the conversion itself can add up quickly. While there are long-term savings in fuel and maintenance, the upfront investment can be a significant barrier for many classic car owners. A quick look online will show you that this can be anywhere in the region of £35-100k (or more)…


The conversion process itself can be complex and requires specialised knowledge and skills. It’s not a simple plug-and-play situation, sadly.




The loss of originality


For purists, converting a classic car to electric may feel like losing a part of its rich history. The sound and feel of the original engine are integral to the car’s character, and removing it might be seen as diminishing its authenticity and value.


Limited range 


Despite advancements in battery technology, ‘range anxiety’ remains a concern for some people.


A classic car that has been converted to electric might not achieve the same range as modern EVs due to space limitations for batteries. 


Charging infrastructure


Additionally, the availability of charging infrastructure, especially in more rural areas, can be a limiting factor (as it is even for modern EVs), although in the future this is likely to improve as they start to pop up everywhere.


Weight distribution and handling changes


The weight and placement of some types of battery can affect a car’s handling and weight distribution. This can require significant adjustments to be made to the suspension and braking systems to ensure that the vehicle remains safe and enjoyable to drive, which can bring another expense into play.


So, to conclude, there are some thoughts to ponder here. It appears that converting your classic car to electric is a decision that comes with both exciting benefits and also some noteworthy drawbacks. It’s a way to blend the past with the future, by maintaining the beauty and character of a classic car while embracing the advantages of modern electric technology. However, it’s essential to weigh the environmental and performance benefits against the cost, potential loss of originality and the other challenges mentioned.


For those passionate about both classic cars and sustainability, an electric conversion can be a fulfilling project that brings the best of both worlds together. However, it’s crucial to approach this transformation with careful consideration and planning to ensure it aligns with your values, preferences and, importantly, your expectations. Ultimately, the choice to convert your classic car to electric is a personal one, reflecting your priorities and vision for the future of your beloved vehicle.


Let us know below what you think! Is this something you are considering doing, or have you already done it?

